WASHINGTON, D.C. — (January 12, 2021) – Across the country, an increasing number of Americans are relying on the critical safety net that Medicaid provides during the COVID-19 crisis. That’s according to new COVID-19 data now available on the Modern Medicaid Alliance’s Medicaid Dashboard.
In addition to providing the latest, most comprehensive Medicaid enrollment research and polling for all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, the recently updated Dashboard now includes a new feature dedicated to demonstrating COVID-19’s impact on Medicaid at the national and state levels.
The new COVID-19 data available on the Dashboard finds that enrollment in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) increased by nearly 6% nationwide from December 2019 to June 2020.
Looking ahead, as a result of the COVID-19 crisis an additional 5.03-10.25 million people are projected to enroll in the Medicaid program through December 2022. The projected increase in enrollment represents excess enrollment due to the economic impact of COVID-19, beyond the usual year over year growth of a state’s Medicaid program. Projections are based on Health Management Associates (HMA) enrollment modeling, which factors in unemployment levels, likely duration of increased unemployment, and anticipated surges in COVID-19 cases before a vaccine becomes widely available.
The Medicaid Dashboard is an essential resource for federal and state leaders looking for up-to-date information on how many people are covered in a state and how each state’s Medicaid program is structured.
Visit the new COVID-19 Impact page on the Medicaid Dashboard here: http://data.modernmedicaid.org/covid
The full Medicaid Dashboard can be found here: http://data.modernmedicaid.org/
About the Modern Medicaid Alliance
The Modern Medicaid Alliance is a partnership between Americans who value Medicaid and leading advocacy organizations. Our mission is to educate policymakers and the public about the benefits of Medicaid to the American people in terms of cost savings, health outcomes and social impact, and to highlight how Medicaid is innovating in the delivery of care – especially for America’s most vulnerable citizens – and accountability of the program. For Modern Medicaid Alliance news and updates, visit www.modernmedicaid.org, follow us on Twitter @modernmedicaidor www.facebook.com/modernmedicaid.